By School Admin

Mathematics with Computer

Language is the backbone of a subject. Mathematics is the language of Computers and thus of Computer Science. If you want to understand Computer Science, you must know Mathematics first. Computers use UNICODE(an 8-bit code that defines a character from the acquisition of binary language {0 and 1}) to understand the source code(by converting in UNICODE), process the information, and deliver the information to the user after converting it in the language understood by the user.

Presently, Computers and Technology are used in each and every nook and corner of life. Can they be used to solve standard mathematics questions like calculus and algebra? Yes, now they are all possible and in varied forms. One such example is Wolfram Alpha where you can get any of your Mathematics questions solved. Sometimes we come across some arduous problems that seem to be baffling for a professional too. Then, opting for computers is the best option. They can make you understand the problem stepwise.


This is not as simple as it seems to be. This result was obtained from a physics worksheet but a deceiving explanation was given for the same ( angular velocity was varying with time but the velocity of the highest point was taken and it was solved by taking it as a constant just to ensure that it is the educational culture to solve it like that). A long time was taken to solve it. Well, Wolfram Alpha solves it like this-