By School Admin

Imagination “Logic will take you from A to B but Imagination will take you anywhere.”


Can you change the reality? You must be confused how to change it. The answer is 'Imagination’. Our imagination can change the perceptions of the reality.

Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not perceived through the senses. It’s the ability of the mind to build mental scenes and visuals, things or events that do not exist, are not there or have never happened in the past.

Imagination can take us anywhere, “above the mountains, below the seas, out of the earth, inside the dreams”. It makes to innovate new ideas coming through our mind.

Imagination can help to find solutions that can be considered unexpected by the brain. It can create scenarios that solve problems in the most effective way.

Difference between Imagination and Visualization-

The visualize is to form a mental image or concept. Visualization only involves the sense of sight while imagination involves all five senses as well as emotions. We can imagine something we have never seen or experienced.

Difference between Imagination and Knowledge-

Knowledge, on the other hand is familiarity, awareness, or understanding gained through experience or study. It only makes a person to know about the existing things. Knowledge without imagination is nothing. Imagination helps scientists to encircle the world, take an aerial look. It acts like a wing that takes thoughts to the sky. If knowledge gives answers, imagination gives the questions about everything we doubt.  Thus, imagination is more important than knowledge.

Imagination-A Creator

Imagination has also made the creative minds to evolve novelties, which help embellishing the beauty of the world.

It makes the artists to imagine new creations of the art, as we see many different forms of arts which are the creation of imagination only.

It makes the architect to imagine the blueprint of the infrastructure and  beautifies it to perfection.

Imagination in Studies-

In a student life , imagination plays a very important role as it makes them to understand the chapters properly .If a student learns to imagine properly, he can perceive his goals . For a student, imagination is the best pathway to success. Imagination opens the door to possibilities. It is where creativity, ingenuity, and thinking outside the box begin for child development. Imagination is an essential super skill and it is the foundation on which a child will build the core capacities they need to thrive in tomorrow's world.

In Mathematics, we need to imagine the Graphs and Geometrical 3-D objects. Some of the mathematical equations also need imagination to understand it properly.

In Biology, imagination helps to understand the working of cell, organs and complicated structures properly.

 In Chemistry, imagination helps us to understand the structure of compounds, mechanism of reactions, attack of reagents and the Dimer formations.  

Moreover for Physics, imagination is the base. Most of the theories of Physics are a part of imagination. The theories of Physics are first imagined by the physicists and then are proved theoretically. For example, Sir Albert Einstein imagined of the speed of objects at a high speed and how the objects become mass less, which led to the one of the greatest theories.

Imagination –A Mind Game

Imagination helps the mind to grow. The more one imagines, the stronger the mind gets and one can control their thoughts better. Power of imagination is the key to innovation. Keep the goals higher and imagine more and more.

If not, then just use imagination to relax. In life, without imagination the reality also becomes fake .

“Imagination is the most important thing. It is the preview of life’s oncoming attractions”.

